Press Release: 被災地の不登校の子どもたち・若者へ居場所と学びの場を。NPO法人アスイクによる仙台市でのフリースクール事業立ち上げを 一般社団法人WITが助成・経営支援/ Community Space and Learning Support for School Refusal Youth. WIT Funds Asuiku’s Launch of Free School in Sendai

*See the bottom of the post for English post.




WIT decided to provide a grant of about 2,000,000 JPY to Asuiku, one of WIT Investees, to help launch a free school for school refusal children. Funding comes from the Japan Earthquake Relief Fund of Japan Society in New York.

Asuiku, which has provided educational support to the disaster-affected children and children from low-income families since the Great East Japan earthquake, will open a free school in Sendai around July 2015. The school accept children of school refusal and high-school dropouts (elementary school children to 20 years of age) and offer them study support with online-learning, special programs developed with citizen volunteers, and job experience programs in corporation with local businesses and community organizations.

Please see the details in the press release (Japanese only). リリース:被災地の不登校の子どもたち・若者へ居場所と学びの場を


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